Tuesday, April 6, 2010

March in a Nutshell (and by March, I mean the month.)

So, I haven't blogged for a long time. Like I said earlier, I'm not a very committed person when it comes to this kind of stuff. Well, let's list some major events in the month of March...

First off, Na'thaniel's birthday!

This is why I don't understand children. I mean, who doesn't like getting cake in their face on their birthday? It's baffling, really.

Secondly, Shaylynn's birthday!

She is different. Her mood swings outnumber the times I fall down in one day. And her sense of humour is, well...senseless.

Next up, we have my first plane ride/visit with my great grandma/trip to Toronto.

Well, this is my view from the plane. Unsurprisingly, I did not get nauseous. I'm not really a motion sickness person. Except those darn spinning apples always do me in. Anyways, this was a week of new transportation methods...my first subway rides, my first cab rides, and my first plane rides! Not to mention, my first time travelling any further than a 7 hour car ride from home.

My great grams. What a cutie, hey? I can see where I get my good looks from...(oops, I just typed out a winky face and then realized how much I hate emoticons. Ha.)

I thought this was clever of me. I took a picture from the CN Tower, and it has the shadow in the picture. Ah, my artistic side shines through.

There was this glass floor...and I stood on it. I'm so brave! (Again, with the urges to stick a winky face in here...)

Finally, my personal favorite event of this month...




The snow finally melted! As uneventful as this may seem to you, in Manitoba...it's definitely a rarity that the snow melts in March. Global warming, I love you.
