Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cheap Entertainment

If you are surrounded by children and in desperate need of cheap entertainment, all you need is a few moments to, instead of turning on a TV, just sit and listen to them. Because children, through every temper tantrum and stupid mess they make, are simply hilarious.

And I’m not talking about the times they make funny faces. That’s funny, too, but more predictably so.

And I’m not talking about the moments they try to steal your birthday cake and blow out your candles. That can be funny, but in a more overt way.

I'm talking about the moments when they're sitting in church, playing with Lego's calmly and politely. And then. Out of nowhere. All. Of. The. Sudden. They yell, "BAKUGAN BATTLE BRAWLERS!"

Yes, I do have the funniest siblings in the world. Thank you for asking.


  1. I think they get it from their big "sister"

  2. "BAKUGAN BATTLE BRAWLERS!" Briana .. if you can understand that mouthful ... please lend me an ear to help understand my youngest son. He has Down syndrome and sometimes I just don't understand his speech. You are very witty!

  3. I'm sure that's a challenge, but just taking the time to listen will always unearth what he has to say :)

